What are the best platforms for learning cloud skills?

2 minute read



The cloud computing industry has seen remarkable growth over the past few years. With businesses increasingly migrating to cloud platforms, the demand for cloud skills is at an all-time high. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to enhance your cloud expertise, numerous platforms can help you achieve your goals. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the best platforms for learning cloud skills.

Online Courses

Platforms like A Cloud Guru, which I have used extensively, offer a range of courses tailored to different cloud platforms and skill levels. Other notable learning platforms include:

  • Udemy: Offers a wide variety of courses across multiple cloud service providers
  • DataCamp: Ideal for those interested in data science and analytics within the cloud
  • LinkedIn Learning: Great for professionals seeking to integrate cloud skills with their business and career objectives

Interactive Labs

Hands-on experience is crucial for mastering cloud technologies. Interactive labs provide a simulated environment where you can practice real-world scenarios. Google Cloud Skills Boost, for instance, offers Qwiklabs and hands-on labs that let you use actual Google Cloud resources. A Cloud Guru offers Hands-on Labs to supplements its courses.

Video Tutorials

Video tutorials are perfect for visual learners. They offer step-by-step instructions and demonstrations. YouTube channels dedicated to cloud computing can be a valuable resource. I personally prefer A Cloud Guru since it has well structured learning paths for all levels of learners.

Books and E-books

For those who prefer reading, books and e-books are invaluable resources. They provide in-depth knowledge and often include real-life case studies. I would recommend the Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide by Dan Sullivan.

Podcasts and Webinars

Podcasts and webinars offer insights from industry experts and keep you updated on the latest trends. They can be an excellent supplement to your learning. Check out https://cloud.google.com/podcasts to stay updated on the latest news on cloud computing.

Online Communities

Platforms like Stack Overflow, Reddit’s r/cloudcomputing, and LinkedIn groups provide forums where you can ask questions, share knowledge, and network with professionals

Here’s What Else to Consider

When selecting a learning platform, consider:

  • Learning Style: Do you prefer structured courses, interactive sessions, or self-paced learning?
  • Current Skill Level: Some platforms cater more to beginners, while others are better suited for advanced learners
  • Certification Goals: If you’re aiming for specific certifications, choose platforms that offer courses aligned with those credentials